The other day I was walking through some nasty stuff en route to get an overpriced coffee at a generic yet addictive franchise, when I noticed some guy in a station wagon cruising me. It's pretty bad when you are obviously walking a dog, yet some creep thinks that you might be working the streets. So as I became aware, I took a good look at him and started to laugh to myself.

It was Tubbs Tattsyrup, from the League of Gentlemen.
Of course I was no longer spooked, 'cause the guy was too funny with his big curly wig and super oversized lady glasses. Yoshi and I just laughed to ourselves and continued along our ramble.
Hokey-cokey-pig-in-a-pokey...wait wrong character, same actor...
I knew you'd love 'em RICA!!!!!
will have to rent that show...
thx for the tip, yo!
you may be cagey (hard to get a follow-up message outta ya, for instance!), but you certainly have excellent taste!!!
hahaha! ;)
this is a common shop.
it's a LOCAL shop. there's nothing for you here
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