I'm just going to come right out and say it........I love the new Sinead O'Connor album.
It's called Throw Down Your Arms.....but she says Trow Down Yer Arms.
It's fantastic!!!!! Did I mention that it's a reggae album? Yup, but I still love it! Though I will resist playing it 'til even the very last moment as though....bleh....reggae.
But it's GOOOOOOOD, and infectious, and therapeutic; powerful and political and positive, but usually ruined by the goofs in university who play too much Bob Marley. So this is where I would insert the nifty link to my free page, which I know not how to do, where I would post some of the amazing tracks off the album....like Y Mas Gan, Vampire, Downpressor Man, War....there is some seriously good stuff here!
Check it out, and be a closet reggae fan like me.
Crap, you gotta another site? You're hard to keep up with. Why don't you upload the audio to that site you've got a little slideshow of on the right there?
I don't have another site, well just the naughty one, I just have that free page where I can post stuff...but I'm an eejit!
can I upload audio to b**zvpxuywrnet?
On the side, there's an upload audio section. And it turns into "Your Playlist"...look at freakpowertix's...
cagey... i'll help you figure this b*** player out.
we just have to talk on the telephone.
:p seriously...
& i'll call rica too. @ work.
you two are my best pals in canada.
we shouldn't be in the "closet" about reggae... there's a lot of great reggae. ogbpunx13 is going to see world/inferno & the subhumans with me on sunday... he knows all of these cool artists...
do you like ska, cagey?
i can't wait to see what you upload. so let me help. message me or sumpin'.
that was a very well written essay. very. =)
& if matisyahu can do reggae, then of course sinead can!
i've always liked her.
"the naughty one."
seriously?? i might have to try it.
i love it when cagey gives theo the cold shoulder! ;)
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