Unlike last year, when we were all gaunt and afflicted with some sort of flu, this year, we are harboring disgusting little pests in our hair. It's SO heinous and nasty, but a fact of life now I guess. I somehow managed to go my entire life without catching the wee little buggers, but having a husband that works for the school board, and a child in public daycare, our world has been rocked. So gross.

Tonight will be our 3'rd week of treatments. And it has been a nice excuse to avoid all the holiday mayhem by saying, "Oh, sorry, we can't make it tonight. We have to wash our hair".
Thankfully, there is a new treatment which is non-toxic, but trying to get a 3 year old to sit still for any length of time is still very much a challenge.

Hopefully after tonight's final treatment, all will be well.
I hope you and yours are not dealing with anything like this during the holidays.
Have a merry HO HO!!
the itchy and scratchy shooooooow!
sorry that sucks
but at least it's not guinea worms!
Jeeeeebus.....that's horrible!
this week's postsecret made me laugh and think of you b/c you're the only mail carrier i know...
oh my... what a sucky week! :(
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