At my day job, I deliver the mail to a half way house that is affiliated with the prison system.
I don't really think too much about it, or the blokes that live there, or what have you, but there is a new 'client' there who enjoys walking around the yard with some headphones on singing loudly, and it totally makes my day.
It's totally hilarious, and a real mood booster when you're just enacting the grind everyday.
Some days he strides around and poses, as if he's doing some routine......
and other times, he'll put his arms up behind his head and say "whoooot" and gives me/us/the universe a 'Brittany Spears Special' pelvic thrust.
It's really quite enjoyable.
I was speaking to one of the employees there and mentioning how it's a real pick me up to see this some days, and she laughed and mentioned that the neighbours were livid and really cranky about the whole situation of the guy singing in the yard all day.
Come on people. Couldn't it be worse? I mean, when does the complaining stop?
I was removed from your blog links. :(
heh heh....just testing......
yeah, seriously. can we worry about a real problem for once?
i'm bad about this stuff -- i can always see both points of view. (actually i'm bad about everything that way.) what bothers these people is probably not the performing per se as much as standard NIMBY feelings about the halfway house. they are reminded of it whenever they hear the guy going "oops! i did it again"
not that not wanting a halfway house on your block is any better. probably worse.
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