Born August 18, 1999, in Langley BC
puppy of
San Jo Shomano' Forever
Hitomi Midori O' Forever
forever My Yoshi is today 7 years old.
I love my Shiba Inu. They are so unlike any other dog that I've ever met. Not just lapping at your face, but really remaining aloof, unless you're family. I love this trait about them. Yoshi is such an independent little man, and has survived one harrowing "runner" away from me, where I imagined seeing his little body flung up into the air by some passing car. It was a nightmare. He survived crossing 2 pretty major streets in Vancouver and I nearly killed him when I finally caught up to him on the Drive.

wow! happy birthday yoshi!!! what would we do without dogs?
"No Matter how little money and how few possessions, you own, having a dog makes you rich." - Louis Sabin
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