Saturday, February 24, 2007

Strathcona Residents Association Meeting

These things can get pretty raucous!!

Great video...and they're faces aren't obscured by weird beards as per usual.
S.T.R.E.E.T.S. rock!!!!

I love my neighbourhood!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day

I guess that if I weren't watching Lost tomorrow night, I might take in a live show, or two.
Hallmark looks like a good bet at Hoko's on Powell. It's all ages and starts at 8.But from the looks of things, the early birds will get a rose. Awwww, that's sweet.

Otherwise, you can't really go wrong with the Railway Club.
I would certainly be there if I were still pouring booze down my neck.

Happy Birthday to BIG GAY JOHN in Cali!!

Get out and see some live music!!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

I smelled Spring today

Thankfully spring is around the corner. It has been one hell of a tough winter.
Might as well live in Winterpeg if we're going to have to deal with the winter weather. At least they're equipped to deal with things there.

It was so beautiful out today, and I ran into many folks that I hadn't seen in months it seems. One of them gave me these beautiful pussy willows, which are adorning my dining table as we speak. I think that things will take a turn now that spring is in the air.
I did see a 14 year old girl that we know who is pregnant. She was walking down the sidewalk with a huge grin on her face holding the hand of her boyfriend, but I just couldn't muster a giant smile myself. I crossed the street before we met because I worried that my expression would betray my true feelings.
I have this inability to fake my real emotions sometimes. So rather than give her the cold face that she will be receiving so much now and in the future, I crossed the street. It just seems so incredibly sad that a 14 year old girl will be having a baby. I wish that I could share her enthusiasm, but it's going to be a tough life for her.
Her childhood is over. Was it really worth it?

I know that I'm sounding like a one trick pony here, but Final Fantasy is still blowing my mind. He's opening here in town for Block Party, but as I've only ever heard him cover Block Party, I'd rather see him at a show of his own. Also, I don't think I've been out to a live show since I was 8 months pregnant at Arab Strap at the Commodore several years ago. I just don't fancy hangin' out in bars like I used to I guess.

Please do go and see what all the fuss is about. The guy is phenomenal!!!!!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Work Hazards.....again!

I took a spill at work the other day and crashed down about 6 cement stairs covered in ice.
It didn't seem dangerous on the approach, but on the way back down, hand on handrail, things went haywire.

Had I been wearing these fashionable kicks, I might have been spared the agony and humiliation of having to return to work in tears.
It was lame.
As a result, I'll be convalescing indoors for a week while the bumps and bruises resolve themselves. It's a special kind of hell being stuck inside at my workplace, 'cause that's usually where the true anger and bitterness sets in.
Hopefully I'll be out before too many of my brain cells are sucked from my body.